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Because chaai is the ultimate muse, here is Chaaidaani. I’m Farahnaz Zahidi, a writer, journalist, and editor, and also a teacher & media trainer. Pre-dominantly, I am a storyteller, and here are my stories, mostly focused on things that matter to me: Climate Change and environment, health, education, culture, & Islam-my mainstay. Professionally, I’m Pakistan Editor for The Third Pole. In more lyrical moods, I write about psychology, travel experiences, languages, poetry and literature.

42 responses »

  1. Emy Villagen

    hi, good day to you.
    I happened to saw your page when I’m searching something from GOOgle.
    I’ve read your blogs and seems interesting and informative. Nice of you to have the time to do this. It’s great.

    May I suggest, if you can write a blog about “Intercultural Marriage”. Is it already acceptable in your country? Is an “arranged marriage” still a practice in your country? What if your “Men” wanted to marry a foreigner? What’s the consequences?

    Sorry for so much information I wanted to know. I’m just being curious about your culture.

    By the way, I’m from the Philippines.

    • Hi Emy good to know you are interested in Pakistan. I hope this is what you mean. I think there is a lot written and filmed on this subject you should be able to find soemthing.

  2. Just wanted t o leave a comment, because it is worth it, you write good and I Like your blog.

  3. i read your blog “the symbolic death of pakistan” very appreciable madam, it is a blissful for us that u live in Iran but interested in Pakistan, you know the current situation of Pakistan so remember in our your prays that our country will withdrawal from this aftermaths. Please it is possible for you then write a blogs on political situation of Pakistan

  4. AOA ,
    Please write some thing on this topic, as we are going away from our Islamic rules.

    What is the bad impact of fashion on young generation?

  5. I follow your write-up in the news and dawn as well, i really like the way you write and it’s really a treat to read your articles..Good luck

  6. Bilal A Qureshi

    i love ur Blog Punjoo and Karachi boys …so true ❤

  7. salam

    i came to ur blog via ET and found it to be really interesting .. i have some questions regarding islam’s teaching abt soical life..and wanna seek ur opinion on them..can u pls provide ur email so that i may send the queries..

  8. Love your blog and perspectives! Very refreshing!

  9. I simply love your blog and your writings

    • Your blogs and way of writing is simply wonderful.Your choice of words and most importantly the topics that you choose are worth reading 🙂

  10. Dear Ms. Zahidi,

    I am a college student in the United States taking a media class called Women, Islam, and Social Media. We each have to pick a social media producer to study for the semester and I chose you.

    I especially like how each of the platforms you use to express yourself (this blog, twitter, the express tribune) has a different feel and how you balance so-called political issues with opinion pieces and Pakistani popular culture. I really enjoyed your articles “I killed my unborn baby because I have too many,” and your article about balancing the demands of motherhood with a professional career. I just wanted to reach out and make a connection with you.

  11. Hi ! im from across the border . I stumbled onto your blog, love it its fun so real and so true and just like my Punjab( you guessed it Im from Punjab ) so i can totally relate to what you write on women , life, the tradition and subcultural aspect ! I would like to correspond with you in detail regarding a project ….

  12. Hello, my name is Sadia. I accidentally came across your blog and have to say, completely fell in love with the name and your writing. I work for a media portal… and… well I was wondering, would you be interested in promoting your blog and sharing some of your musings with us? If this interests you, please bug me 🙂

  13. Check out quotes from the scholars 🙂

  14. just read very informative article about women circumsize

  15. sri purna widari

    Dear Farah,

    Trust everything is fine with you.
    My name is Purna from Bali Indonesia. I am a female traveler and interested to visit your country. I have learned that in order to do it, I will need a visa and a sponsor as my host and since I have been the follower of your blog, I would like to know if you are willing to be my host. Besides, as a woman, I will feel a lot safer being in the company of local people.

    I believe you will question that I am a real person or not and I will be willing to Skype with you to show who I am and to let you decide yourself on whether or not you should trust me.

    All in all, I thank you very much for your attention and I am looking forward to hear from you in the near future.

    Sincerely yours,
    Sri Purna Widari

  16. I have taken the liberty to nominate you for the “Most Influential Blogger” award. 😀 For further information kindly see here:

    Happy greetings,

  17. Hello Farahnaz, I found your Chaaidaani while looking for some some Punjoo stuffs. I read one article, it took me to another. I read the 3rd one and it took me to the 4th and stopped at Marquez. Your humanist approach made me read you again and again. will keep going through….:)

  18. Ammar Hassan Khan

    Hello Ms. Zaidi,

    Just wanted to say, I love you blog, very positive perspective.

    Allah/Bhagwan/God kaamyab kare

  19. your immense love for Imran khan dragged me here to read your blog 🙂 keep up with your faith in him and we will, someday, by the grace of Allah, will create the Pakistan we dream about and live in it 🙂

  20. Salaams, nice blog and excellent writings!

  21. hey, i am doing a research on Female Genital Mutilation in Pakistan and i went through your article. would it be possible if i can contact you with regards to your research on the topic. I would be ever so grateful.

  22. I read your recent article on tribune. I’d love to donate whatever I can, if you can still reach the people you mentioned in the article. Let me know so I can make some arrangement.

  23. Hi, I just read one of your articles on parents driving their kids towards suicide. I must say it was a really good and put article. I admired your articles on women about being a widow.
    all the best and keep writing.
    Love and Appreciation.

  24. I’ve read your blog today and I believe I’m gonna spend my night in exploring the rest of them… you’re such a great writer. I am so impressed and now thinking to write at wider angle. All the best and keep writing.

  25. Truly a refreshing blog and a very eye opening subjects… Keep up the good writing .. All the best

  26. hey farahanaz
    I read your page on the adopted childern and the problems in adopting them. It is really a great job to write about such a topic.

    I too want to adopt a child from my close relatives. Then I want to go for higher studies and take the child with me to the other country. The only problem is that I am not married and I don’t want to marry the rest of my life. So, I’ll be in the situation of an ‘unmarried single mother’.

    Now, there may arise many problems concerning visa issue. I don’t know if the european countries allow a pakistani single national to take the adopted child with her or no. Do they accept only ‘guardian certificate’ or any more documents when appying for a visa.

    Please give me any suggestions or guide me an expert to have a good knowledge on this situation.


  27. Need to get in touch regarding an article you wrote in Dawn of a school in Heera Mandi in 2011. The school closed down in 2013 due to lack of funds I am restarting it. I need support and a writer every once in a while needs to revisit the sightings of the pen. Please get in touch

  28. AoA, I’m a student of Mass Communication in Islamabad. We are studying a course on conflict reporting this semester. I strongly want to write the final news report on Female genital mutilation in Pakistan. Can I take your interview on the matter? Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Tooba Akbar

  29. Assalam o alaikum.
    I am a student of Mass Communication from University of Karachi. I wish to take your interview for my research on FGM practice in Pakistan. Your help in this matter is really needed.
    You have message privacy on Twitter. Is there any other way I can contact you? Probably your e-mail address?
    Waiting for your reply.
    Thanks in advance.

  30. Hey Farahnaz,
    Hope you’re doing well!
    I’ve recently been looking into the sanitary napkin attitude and availability in rural areas for a bigger project I’ve got in mind.
    I came across your blog on The Express Tribune (We need to stop treating menstruation as a ‘fault’) and would like to get some insight on the situation.
    I’d love to fire over some questions if you’ve got the time.
    And if you don’t, would you be able to point me in the direction of someone who could help?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Maliha K.


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